Longevity- Uncovering The Secrets Of Living A Longer Life

Uncovering The Secrets Of Living A Longer Life

Welcome to Leechy’s Quest for Longevity, the podcast hosted by the ever-fit Guy Leech, who, in his 60s, is on a mission to uncover the secrets of living a long, healthy, and happy life. Renowned for winning the first-ever professional Ironman race and being named Australia’s fittest athlete in the ‘90s by the Institute of Sport, Guy brings a wealth of personal experience to the table.

Join Guy as he sits down with experts in longevity and chats with celebrities who have successfully navigated the aging process while staying fit and healthy.

 Leechy’s Quest for Longevity is your guide to practical tips, expert insights, and inspiring stories on how to lead a more vibrant and enduring life. Tune in for a laid-back exploration of the keys to longevity that goes beyond the dramatic, offering down-to-earth wisdom for a healthier and happier you.

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